rudely jostled the people upon the streets in order to clear a path for himself. He appeared to be hostile to the passers-by, and even to the houses, the entire city
Bilal Khaldihar citeratför 2 år sedan
I cannot hear it … the … yes … he is shouting it … I am trying to hear … I can’t … again … the … Horla … I heard … the Horla … it is he … the Horla … he has come!
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
I don’t feel it coming, as I used to, this treacherous sleep, hidden beside me, that lies in wait for me, that is about to seize me by the head, close my eyes, annihilate me.
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
Who can understand my abominable anguish? Who can understand the emotion of a man, of a healthy mind, wide awake, full of reason, who looks through the glass of a carafe, terrified that a little water has disappeared while he slept.
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
you suddenly feel a premonition that the sickness has grown worse.
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
. I am nothing inside, nothing but a slave spectator, terrified of all the things I do.
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
Thus, if we had a few organs less, we would be unaware of admirable and unusual things, but if we had a few organs more, we would discover around us an infinity of other things we would never have suspected while we lacked the means to observe them
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
So we deceive ourselves when we pass judgments on the Known. We are surrounded by an unexplored unknown.
Everything is uncertain, and can be perceived in different ways.
Hina Usmanhar citeratför 2 månader sedan
What was hiding me had no outlines, but a kind of opaque transparency that little by little became clearer.
And finally I could see myself clearly, just as I do every day when I look at myself.