Evan Skolnick


Alina Rubetshar citeratför 2 år sedan
The Hero’s primary function is to resolve (or at least attempt to resolve) the main conflict. Other functions and/or aspects often seen in a Hero are audience identification, change and growth, action, risk, and sacrifice,
Alina Rubetshar citeratför 2 år sedan
The classic Mentor character is older than the Hero, wiser, and perhaps in an earlier time could have actually been the Hero. Grey hair, beards, and robes are the classic physical attributes of a Mentor, though as with every archetype, modern versions can take many forms.
Alina Rubetshar citeratför 2 år sedan
Mentor functions and roles include:

Teaching: This is the baseline of a Mentor character—offering important advice, knowledge, skills, and training the Hero will need to successfully resolve the main conflict and the many sub-conflicts along the way.
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