
Meik Wiking

Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.




Swati Dubeyhar citeratför 2 år sedan
redagshygge/Søndagshygge [Fredashooga/Sundashooga]

Hygge you have on Fridays or Sundays. After a long week, fredagshygge usually means the family curling up on the couch together watching TV. Søndagshygge is about having a slow day with tea, books, music, blankets and perhaps the occasional walk if things go crazy.
Swati Dubeyhar citeratför 2 år sedan
Fredagshygge/Søndagshygge [Fredashooga/Sundashooga]

Hygge you have on Fridays or Sundays. After a long week, fredagshygge usually means the family curling up on the couch together watching TV. Søndagshygge is about having a slow day with tea, books, music, blankets and perhaps the occasional walk if things go crazy.
Nadene Faith Villahar citeratför 3 månader sedan
When, in the evening, from the top of a tram car, you look into all the homes on the first floor, you shudder at how dismal people’s homes are. Furniture, style, carpets – everything in the home is unimportant, compared to the positioning of the lighting.

Poul Henningsen (1894–1967), ‘On Light’


jaleksa159delade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
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