
Rebecca Serle

For all inquiries please email: rebecca@rebeccaserle.com Rebecca Serle is the author of When You Were Mine and is an obsessive lover of all things pop culture. She blogs about The Vampire Diaries for New York magazine’s Vulture and can be found on Twitter: @RebeccaASerle. She, like Caggie, lives in Manhattan—just far from the Upper East Side.



Khadheeja Sheeneezhar citeratför 2 år sedan
it’s easier to see the beginnings of things, and harder to see the ends.
Khadheeja Sheeneezhar citeratför 2 år sedan
“Forgiveness,” Conrad repeats, like it’s a stone he’s turning over in his hands. “It’s more for the bestower than the bestowed.”
Fer Salcidohar citerati fjol
And I think that maybe that is what love is. Not the absence of space but the acknowledgment of it, the thing that lives between the parts, the thing that makes it possible not to be one, but to be different, to be two.


Ainna Najwadelade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
👍Värt att läsa

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