Worth Books

Worth Books’ smart summaries get straight to the point and provide essential tools to help you be an informed reader in a busy world, whether you’re browsing for new discoveries, managing your to-read list for work or school, or simply deepening your knowledge. Available for fiction and nonfiction titles, these are the book summaries that are worth your time.


Muradovhar citeratför 2 år sedan
Identify one aspect of your life where you feel you do not have P/PC balance. What dimension of life does this refer to? Is it mental, physical, social, or spiritual? Make a list of activities you could partake in that would offer renewal in this area.
Look over the weekly schedule you created for Habit 3. Do you have enough activities that feed you in the four dimensions of your life? If not, schedule those activities into your week.
Keep a list of your Daily Private Victory and your Daily Public Victory.
Muradovhar citeratför 2 år sedan
Identify one aspect of your life where you feel you do not have P/PC balance. What dimension of life does this refer to? Is it mental, physical, social, or spiritual? Make a list of activities you could partake in that would offer renewal in this area.
Look over the weekly schedule you created for Habit 3. Do you have enough activities that feed you in the four dimensions of your life? If not, schedule those activities into your week.
Keep a list of your Daily Private Victory and your Daily Public Victory.
damelidamelihar citerati fjol
t’s much more productive to be okay with feeling bad about certain things—and then let the feeling go.


b8166744438delade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
💡Lärde mig mycket
👍Värt att läsa

Very informative book in literature.

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  • Sergey Nekrasovdelade ett intryckför 2 månader sedan
    karugrace94delade ett intryckför 7 månader sedan
    Dra och släpp dina filer (upp till fem åt gången)