bookmate game

Packt Publishing

  • Pmhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    he art side of the field refers to the scope for unleashing design flair and encouraging innovation,
  • Pmhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    The science behind visualization comes in many shapes. I've already mentioned the presence of computer science, mathematics, and statistics
  • Pmhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    statistics, but one of the key foundations of the subject comes through an understanding of cognitive science and in particular the study of visual perception.
  • Pmhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    At the root of visual perception knowledge is the understanding that our visual functions are extremely fast and efficient processes whereas our cognitive processes, the act of thinking, is much slower and less efficient. How we exploit these attributes in visualization has a significant impact on how effectively the design will aid interpretation
  • Андрей Лунякаhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Lucene is mature, open-source, highly performing, scalable, light and, yet, very powerful. It also has a very strong community that supports it. Its core comes as a single file of Java library with no dependencies, and allows you to index documents and search them with its out-of-the-box full text search capabilities.
  • Diego Ormazábalhar citerati fjol
    Each Python class definition has an implicit superclass: object.
  • Diego Ormazábalhar citerati fjol
    When we define our own class, object is the superclass.
  • Diego Ormazábalhar citerati fjol
    The superclass of all classes, object, has a default implementation of __init__() that amounts to pass. We aren't required to implement __init__(). If we don't implement it, then no instance variables will be created when the object is created.
  • Diego Ormazábalhar citerati fjol
    Refactoring is better than adding if statements.
  • Diego Ormazábalhar citerati fjol
    "Explicit is better than implicit."
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