Jane Brooke

I am Jane brooke, a 22 year old shoelace untethered savage blonde lesbian writer and painter. I wander in the honest and real world of erotica, all which I witness first hand on my yearly romp as a voyeur through the underground sex and scene clubs of Europe. I currently, have 9 new books out in 1013, more to come in 2014, including my first and traditionaly written novel, a love story taking place in Darfur Africa, called (Sojourn of the Heart)I write for a basic reason, a child savant mind you, which is code for (She is insane) since I have been 15 years old and that is to impower females world wide from the savagery of men. I so do adore to laugh, have a twisted wit, am like so quirky, weep when my heart is broken, or when I watch Breakfast at Tiffanys. I love fashion, Manolo, Jimmy Choo, love kissing GIRLS of course, and usually wear combat boots and nothing could be more true, then(I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her Cherry Chap Stick). My mantra is, love who want, when ever you want, as often as you want. Love, in the end, just might save this tragic world, or at least I hope so...Jane sometimes in London
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