
Diana Richardson

  • Pao Ebihar citeratför 3 månader sedan
    Two examples of these universal metabolic forces are relaxation and awareness
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    Tantra is the transformation of sex into love through awareness.”
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    From Sex to Superconsciousness
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    women this sexual minimum is reflected in their tremendous difficulties at achieving orgasm.
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    The truth is that your body is fully capable of experiencing deep, rich, satisfying orgasm
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    all of these scenarios miss the essential truth that your body is fully capable of a deep, sustained, fully satisfying orgasmic state.
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    Rather, orgasm is a state of being that arises naturally when we are more relaxed in sex
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    In relaxation woman opens to her inner world, bringing herself into the focus of her attention. Doing so reveals the exquisite interplay of active male and receptive female energy, which flowers into prolonged pleasure for both the man and the woman.
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    are as host, and the divine is as guest, and enormous space has to be created for the divine to enter us.
  • Ultra Hexhar citerati fjol
    response to the unconscious female conditioning of our society, the essential female qualities often become distorted: Softness can become weakness; receptivity can become passivity or resignation; the nurturing quality can become overbearing; the beauty of surrender can become submission; absorption might turn into sucking; the ability to sustain long-term waiting can shift into indolence; love can turn to jealousy and the use of female qualities for manipulation; the joy of non-doing and relaxation
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