Bianca Sparacino


Boboboihar citeratför 3 månader sedan
The things that hurt you
may have left scars,
but they did not destroy you.
You survived,
and there is hope in that.
missiehar citeratför 2 månader sedan
You are the one
who built your walls.

Don’t ever doubt for a second
that you have the capacity
to tear them down.
Alinehar citerati fjol
I hope you have the courage to go deeper. To never exist on the surface of your life, even if it’s easier or more convenient.

I hope so, too


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This short book really helped me get over my heartbroken heart 💜

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    Bianca Sparacino
    A Gentle Reminder
    • 335
    • 3.8K
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  • Jessdelade ett intrycki fjol
    💞Full av kärlek
    👍Värt att läsa

    This book gave me good vibes and teached me how to live the present moment intentionally, let go of the past, not worry about the future, and to give myself the love i would want others to give me.

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    Bianca Sparacino
    A Gentle Reminder
    • 335
    • 3.8K
    • 8
    • 2
  • Leen Rihandelade ett intrycki fjol
    🔮Oanat djup
    💡Lärde mig mycket
    👍Värt att läsa

    I love the book and I love how it made me feel it made me heal from things I never recovered from just because I thought that ignoring my feelings is the solution but I guess not
    it's such a masterpiece if I had the chance to reread it I would.

  • inte tillgänglig
    Bianca Sparacino
    The Strength In Our Scars
    • 181
    • 827
    • 7
    • 11
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