
Roger Scruton

  • b8895732388har citeratför 2 år sedan
    A modernist needs to define himself against something, so that the very success of his enterprise threatens to undermine it.
  • Ibrahim AGhar citeratför 10 månader sedan
    and my will is the originator of nothing in the natural world
  • Ibrahim AGhar citeratför 10 månader sedan
    This argument occurs, in more rhetorical form, in the writings of Sartre, whose existentialist doctrine of the moral life owes much to Kant.
  • ilyakorenyuginhar citerati fjol
    The distinctive beauty of the human body derives from its nature as an embodiment. Its beauty is not the beauty of a doll, and is something more than a matter of shape and proportion. When we find human beauty represented in a statue, such as the Apollo Belvedere or the Daphne of Bernini, what is represented is the beauty of a person—flesh animated by the individual soul, and expressing individuality in all its parts.
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