Lucia Jordan

Forbidden Love

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"Olivia wants to get the information for her magazine article and get out - until she meets Master Dean and is shown a new way of life."
Olivia is by no means shy or afraid of the darker side of herself. However, when her boss sends her to a local "alternative" club to gather information about the lifestyle for an article she has to write, Olivia is intimidated and overwhelmed.
When a Dom, Master Dean, takes an interest in her, she’s thrust into a world she never knew existed. It’s exciting, and it awakens her in a way she didn’t know was possible.
But when Dean asks her to become his sub, she must make a choice: Tell him the truth about why she was there in the first place and risk him never speaking to her again. Or she keeps her secret and indulges in a new, exciting world with Dean as her guide.
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