
068: Performing like a Champion with Molly Fletcher

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Molly Fletcher, the sports agent known as “the female Jerry Maguire,” shares key ingredients to stardom gleaned from her experience working with superstar athletes and business folk.
You'll learn
Two key practices Molly sees in all her star athletes that make them great The critical trait needed to maintaining strong workplace relationships A simple trick to use in negotiations to make them less nerve-wracking and more successful About Molly
Dubbed by CNN "the female Jerry Maguire," Fletcher rose to the top of a male-dominated field to become a leading ($500 million lifetime contracts) sports agent with unique access to hundreds of successful athletes, coaches, and broadcasters across the sports of baseball, basketball, football, and more. Whether at the contract negotiation table with a team's top brass or behind the scenes with her players, Fletcher is keenly positioned to spot patterns in peak performers. She’s the author of three books, founder of the Betterment institute, and a sought-after speaker.
View transcript, show notes, and links at https://AwesomeAtYourJob.com/ep68.
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