Otis Pavel,Francis Delaney

Functional Leadership Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Functional Leadership Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Leadership Communication and Powerful Leadership Affirmations
Some people seem to be born leaders, while others have leadership thrust upon them. History shows us that many people who come from fairly humble origins have been suddenly transformed into legends in their own time and beyond. What creates a Julius Caesar or a Napoleon? What creates in our own era, and with less conquering involved, the likes of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffett? The one thing they all have in common is that they are effective communicators. They understand the importance of conveying a vision people want to participate in. Research has also shown that affirmations and positive thoughts can help better or improve leadership abilities.
This audiobook will teach you how you can improve your leadership communication skills. You will learn how you can communicate well with any audience. You will learn about timing, style, and the right words to use. You will also learn about communicating through body language. You will also learn about affirmations and how it can help improve your leadership skills.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Leadership Communication: The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Communication Skills for Better and More Effective LeadershipPowerful Leadership Affirmations: The Essential Guide on Powerful and Inspiring Leadership Affirmations That Can Help Improve Your Leadership SkillsIn every opportunity for leadership, there will be tough times - not just successes. It is how someone responds to these tough times, and to their many critics who want to pick them to pieces, that can be the sign of a great leader. If you want to learn more, download your copy of Functional Leadership 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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