Tullian Tchividjian
Tullian Tchividjian


Tullian Tchividjian remembers the Sunday morning he woke up hung over, still dressed in the clothes he'd worn until passing out during a night of partying. After five-years of hard living, Tullian had come to the end of himself. He got up and went down the street to church. What he found there shocked him—a community of Christians who joyfully and radically lived out the Gospel in ways he'd never seen before. The encounter showed him a new way of living in the world-and he came to personal faith in Christ.
Tullian's experience convinced him that young Christians today don't want a faith community that tries to come off as appealing and trendy. Christ followers are called to embrace a standard that's "out of this world." Why? Because the only way to make a difference in the world is by being different.
To help his listeners re-imagine a radically "unfashionable" lifestyle, Tullian examines what Gospel-infused priorities would look like in relationships, community, work, finances and culture. Listeners will come away with a clear picture of what it means to live subversively—and redemptively—for God.
An EChristian, Inc production.
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