Vic Johnson

52 Mondays

"If You Knew What Can Happen In The Next 52 Mondays It Would Take Your Breath Away"

Stop and think about it. If you had started something new and worked on it every week since one year ago, what might you have been able to accomplish? Twelve months, after all, is plenty of time to start accruing success.

For example:

If you had written 1,000 words every week, you'd be close to completing a novel. Or you could have published several how-to eBooks.If you had taken in one music lesson per week, you might be approaching a level of proficiency that would allow you to entertain friends and family.If you had taken one day per week to start a side business, you could be entertaining the possibility of quitting your job.

A lot can happen in a year, and this easy-to-follow 52 week guide will walk you there step-by-step with exercises like:

The champion's secret to building mental toughness muscles that keep you firmly focused on your weekly tasks.A no-brainer way to add one-hour of quality, productive time to every week.Scientifically proven methods to help you adjust your "mood barometer" at will. Never get stuck in a momentum-sucking bad mood again.The AAI principle taught by the ancient greeks that virtually guarantees success in any endeavor when practiced properly.and lots more!

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