Michael Stelzner,Social Media Examiner

Facebook Ads: Creative Ways to Attract Prospects and Customers

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Do you advertise on Facebook?

Are your ads converting?

To explore how to better use Facebook ads to reach leads and customers, I interview Zach Spuckler.
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The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

In this episode, I interview Zach Spuckler, a Facebook ads expert and host of the Heart, Soul & Hustle podcast, a show about generating more leads, sales, and conversions. His course is called Rock Your FB Ads.

Zach shares his framework for building leads with Facebook ads.

You'll discover mistakes many marketers make with Facebook ads.

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Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:
Facebook Ads
Zach's Story

Over the last 10 years, Zach has dabbled in most forms of online marketing, including affiliate marketing, direct sales, website flipping, consulting, and Facebook ads.

About two and a half years ago, Zach was running a successful vegan food blog called The No Fuss Vegan as a hobby while working a job and studying for a master's degree. As the blog grew, the hours of work that Zach put into developing recipes, and styling and shooting photos for his blog left him feeling burnt out. He liked what he was doing but he didn't love it.

Zach took three months off to explore what work made him happy and realized it was marketing. He loved testing his ads, and messaging and building his list. That's when he launched Heart, Soul & Hustle. When Zach started this business, he was committed to a foundational principle: Instead of teaching people theories that worked, his teaching would be grounded in what he had learned through experience.

His first digital course came out a few months later. He had been doing one-on-one Facebook ad management using Periscope for promotion. Zach did a Periscope at Starbucks, saying, "I can't really teach you how to make a million dollars. I'm not a six-figure coach. But I have gotten my income up to about $1,000 a week on Periscope. Is that something you want to learn about?" He set up a PayPal button in real time and did about $1,200 in sales.

That's when everything started to come together. Zach realized he could own his expertise without faking it. He could be fully transparent and show people what he was doing at his current level, and that approach would resonate with people.

Zach's passion has always been ads, and his intention when he started the company was to create a Facebook ads course. However, everybody wanted to learn about live streaming, so he tabled the ads program in response to his market. However, he still launched the program a year later and has had a blast testing everything with Facebook ads such as Messenger, retargeting, and Facebook Live.

About a year ago, Zach realized he had become a total workaholic and could use Facebook advertising to help him do the heavy lifting. He scaled up his ad spend and hired an ads manager. Although Zach emphasizes that ads don't do all of the work, his ads nevertheless work for him whether or not he can show up on a particular day.

Today, hundreds of people take Zach's courses. His company does launches with thousands of people, they have incredible affiliates, and they've been affiliates. Investing in advertising has opened so many doors that he can't help but get excited about it.

Listen to the show to hear about Zach's earliest experience working online.

Facebook Ad Mistakes

The market has been evolving but marketers aren't all keeping pace. A few years ago, you could run a Facebook ad to a sales page and make money. You could even run ads directly to a checkout page. But back then, most Facebook users didn't realize that a sponsored post in the news feed was an advertisement. Today,
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