Donna Clarkson,Lexie Hargrave

Fight Burnout Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Fight Burnout Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Preventing Burnout and Natural Stress Relief Methods
All of us want to do more and it's all too common to feel as though there aren't enough hours in the day. Unfortunately, though, our energy is finite and when we push too far or too fast we will inevitably burn out and have to give up. We often know when burnout is on the way but unfortunately, it tends to be somewhat inevitable. And what follows is days or weeks of low energy, bad moods, and illness. Burnout can even cause bad skin, impotence and low libido, weight gain or loss, and accidents. It's no laughing matter. It doesn’t take much to relieve stress, but it does require paying close attention to your triggers and making a consistent and conscious effort to reduce your stress levels wherever you can before it catches up to you. Stress is a big part of most people’s lives because of the kind of lifestyle we live these days. Most people feel burnout and stressed and it can be difficult to find relief.
This bundle will teach you everything you need to know about burnout. You will learn what it is in terms of your neurochemistry, you will know what the causes are and you will learn how to prevent it from happening and to treat it when it occurs. You will learn stress relief strategies to help you manage your stress. You will learn tips on how to recognize when you’re about to have burnout and ways to prevent them.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Preventing Burnout: The Ultimate Guide on How to Deal with Burnout, Learn Self-Care Practices That Can Help Manage and Overcome BurnoutNatural Stress Relief Methods: The Essential Guide on Effective All-Natural Methods On How to Manage and Cope With StressGet your copy of Fight Burnout 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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