Skye Warren

The Queen

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This is the final audiobook in the masterpiece duet!  
I have one chance at a new life. A college education. A future outside of Tanglewood's dark walls. For a breathless moment, it seems like I might actually escape.
Then I get a phone call from home.
Damon Scott is my own personal dragon, the fight I've always lost, the secret hope of my heart. And he needs my help right now. Only my mind can solve the puzzle. Only my presence can keep him sane as the city fights against him.
Only my heart can unlock a man with such a tragic past.
This is my final gamble, with everything at stake, one last game to win a future for both of us.
And a love strong enough to break the city apart.
The Queen is the final novel in the best-selling Masterpiece duet about a game of lies and loyalty, of betrayal and power, and ascension to the city's throne.
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