Jean Joachim

Heather & Mike: The One that Got Away

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Mike Sullivan’s dating Amy, the perfect woman. Everyone says she is, even his best friend, Bill. She urges him to move in with her, and he agrees. To Mike, living together means getting engaged. He’s picked out the ring and is ready to pop the question, isn’t he?
If Amy is the one, why can’t Mike forget Heather? He’d spent a magical ten days with her on Fire Island, ten days that changed his life. Then he’d screwed it up. As quickly as she entered his world, Heather disappeared, blocking his calls, and leaving him bereft.
That was five years ago. Finally ready to accept the fact that he’ll never see Heather again, Mike’s poised to take the big step -- until a magazine article turns his universe upside down.
Listen to all four books in the "Echoes of the Heart" series:
1 - Heather & Mike: The One that Got Away
2 - Sandy & Rafe: Second Place Heart
3 - Liz & Nick: No Regrets
4 - Paige & Bill: One Fine Day
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