Beth Good

The Oddest Little Cornish Tea Shop

It's a big day for Charlie Bell—the grand reopening of her aunt Pansy's long-closed tea rooms in Tremevissey, a quaint Cornish seaside resort. But not everyone is chuffed for Charlie. The tea rooms are cursed, locals say. For Pansy was cruelly jilted by her lover and walked out into the Atlantic Ocean, never to return.

Charlie dismisses the 'curse' as superstitious nonsense, of course. But by the end of the first day, her world is in tatters, and she's not even sure the tea rooms can open for a second day of trading.

Then in walks a rugged, taciturn man with a sexy smile and everything he owns on his back, looking for a summer job....

Is Gideon Petherick an angel in disguise? Or is history about to repeat itself?

Beth Good's latest novella in her quirky and popular Oddest Little Shop romcom series.
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