Lilian Monroe

Knocked Up Again!

How could this happen? This was supposed to be a quiet town, with quiet people, and a quiet hotel that needed a new owner. It was supposed to be my fresh start.

Instead, in walks the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Before she even flicks those eyes in my direction I already know I'm in trouble . . . and I've never wanted trouble as much as I do now.

How could this happen . . . again! I don't even know anything about him! All I know is he's stupidly rich, he's incredibly sexy, and he's definitely running away from something.

The first time it happened to me, I was sixteen, alone, and terrified. This time I'm almost thirty, and I'm still alone and still terrified. No matter how much it scares me, I can't ignore it. Those two little blue lines don't lie: I'm pregnant.

Contains mature themes.
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