Lindsay Sands,Russell Paulie

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Stress-Free Life and Break the Stress Habit
Do you feel like you’re stressed? Are there deadlines and events looming on the horizon for you like black clouds? Perhaps you also feel as though your heart rate is higher than it should be. Maybe you’re not getting the quality of sleep you need because you’re lying awake listening to it thud and thump? If this is the case then your lifestyle is compromised. If you have constant chronic stress, then you will also find that your immune system is suppressed, that your blood pressure is high, that you aren’t sleeping properly and that you’re more likely to become distracted and/or have an accident. Even your digestion will be negatively affected by your stress resulting in symptoms of malnutrition potentially. It can also cause severe anxiety.
Stress has a lot of detrimental effects not just in our mental state but in our physical state as well and it’s important to learn how to manage stress well. This bundle will teach you all the proven techniques on how to manage stress. You will get a deeper level of understanding on how stress works and what you can do to take care of yourself to help improve your anxiety.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Stress-Free Life: The Essential Guide on Stress Management, Learn Expert Tips and Advice on How to Manage and Cope With Stress to Live a Happier LifeBreak the Stress Habit: The Essential Guide on How to Conquer Stress and Anxiety, Discover Relaxing Ideas That Can Help You Fight Stress For GoodGet your copy of Reduce Stress and Anxiety 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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