Olivia Molly Rogers

Find Your Light

When Olivia Molly Rogers was crowned Miss Universe Australia, she knew exactly what she wanted to shine a light on: her struggles with disordered eating and anxiety.
While many of her Instagram followers are eager for her fashion, art and insanely cute dog content, the heart of Olivia's audience is there for her refreshingly honest voice on body positivity and mental health.
In Find Your Light, Olivia reveals more of her story - from growing up as a shy child using food as comfort, to the pressures of modelling life, to finally finding the confidence, courage and self-belief to compete on the world stage. Olivia also shares the helpful mantras, tips and tools she's used to heal, have a healthy relationship with food and embrace her body.
This is a book for anyone who wants to practise self-love, feel more confident inside and out, and overcome the challenges that can hold us all back from finding our light.
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