Raymond Arroyo

The Prayers and Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica

Following a string of three New York Times bestsellers comes the most powerful work of Mother Angelica, who shares publicly for the first time her most private thoughts and prayers. More powerful and intimate than any of her previous books, this is the book that her millions of admirers have been waiting for. In this special work, listeners are brought inside her spiritual life through her private prayers and reflections.

More than a collection of prayers, The Prayers and Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica is an elegant celebration of one of Catholicism's great women. It is a chance for Mother Angelica's legions of admirers to embrace her spiritual legacy by actively using the words that shaped her life. In what will quickly become a cherished companion, listeners will have access to: original prayers by Mother Angelica, most of which have not been available to the public; stirring personal meditations crafted by Mother Angelica on everything from the Mysteries of the Rosary to the Stations of the Cross; and the private devotions-the prayers Mother Angelica has prayed throughout her life, many which are unique to her order and not readily available to the public.
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