Tonya Kappes

Magical Cures Mystery Series Books 7-9

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Welcome to Whispering Falls where magic and mystery collide!
In this box set:
A Charming Fatality
June is forced to use her witchy ways to figure out who stole her secret potion after it turns up missing. Rumors are flying around like broomsticks that June is a witch and used a spell to murder Mr. Rossen. Someone wants her out of Head To Toe Works, but who? Will the killer get to June before she can walk down the aisle?
A Charming Ghost
With the help of her familiars and one particular little ghost, June uses her sleuthing skills and a little magic to try to figure out how to clear her name. One problem, she has to leave Whispering Falls to find the answers. June uncovers deep dark secrets that should be left buried and could leave Oscar a widower.
A Charming Hex
June is unable to keep her promise to Oscar about not using magic for their weekend island getaway and finds herself square in the middle of the investigation. Suddenly, June wishes that her pesky familiars were there to help and realizes that there really is no place like home.
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