Sarah Wynde

A Gift of Ghosts

Akira has secrets. So does the town of Tassamara.
Akira Malone believes in the scientific method, evolution, and Einstein’s theory of relativity. And ghosts.
All the logic and reason in the world can’t protect her from the truth — she can see and communicate with spirits. But Akira is sure that her ability is just a genetic quirk and the ghosts she encounters simply leftover electromagnetic energy. Dangerous electromagnetic energy.
Zane Latimer believes in telepathy, precognition, auras, and that playing Halo with your employees is an excellent management technique. He also thinks that maybe, just maybe, Akira can help his family get in touch with their lost loved ones.
But will Akira ever be able to face her fears and accept her gift? Or will Zane’s relatives be trapped between life and death forever?
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