Joao Perre Viana

Don't Count the Kilometres Make the Kilometres Count

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It sounds unlikely, but this book is every possible aspect of the walker/writer genre in one beautifully seamless contemplation. Personal, anecdotal, psychogeographic, psychological, physiological, and spiritual understandings and stories weave around the profoundly practical, deeply kind, and grounded guidance of somebody with 7000s of kilometres and 7000s of insights and deep generosity of spirit.
Joao shares his own unfolding inner and outer path with disarming humility and honesty and describes the journeys of his many participants with a lightness of touch that belies the profound transformations that people from all walks of life (pun intended) have discovered on the many Caminos described here.
As well as this there is detailed advice on particular routes, where to stay, when to walk and how to do it which trump any walking guide I have read. It really is an instruction manual for a more intentional and fulfilling life and will leave you itching to go outside and begin.
For those on a long walk or traveling light, this is the only book you will need.
The best way to experience these pages will require walking shoes and the will to walk. Preferably along a path that leads to Nature. Because nothing beats reality, and the reality of Walking Mentorship is waiting for you out of doors.
All the stories that appear in this book are real, and Joao tries to tell them as clearly and in detail as his mind remembers.
He changed the name of the majority of the characters and avoided making any specific references related to real life.
Finally, a note about the book itself: I am not sure this is a book. At times, it seemed like a diary; other moments, like a travel guide, and some days, I even looked at it as a manual.
Use it in the best possible way. What you are about to open is just a door.
After reading these pages, you might feel the urge to step outside and go for a long stroll. Don´t worry, that is normal.
Keep walking
Author's Republic
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