Rick Merlett,Wally Davy,Neil Murdoch

Customer Service Blueprint Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle

Customer Service Blueprint Bundle, 3 in 1 Bundle: Getting Customer Service Right, Customer Service the Right Way, and Create Customer Loyalty
In this day and age of social media, customers are always willing to share their experience. Studies show they are more likely to remember and share a negative experience so one wrong move can land you in hot water. The solution is to make sure you’re always providing great customer care so your loyal customers can recommend you as well. In today’s highly competitive business environment, you need every advantage you can get and one of the things that will surely let you stand out from your competitors is excellent customer service. If you are providing the same or similar products and services like your competitors, great customer service will be your edge that will ensure you not only attract customers but retain them as loyal customers as well.
This bundle will teach you how you can provide excellent customer service. You will learn tips and strategies on how to ensure customer satisfaction to retain customers and help your business grow and succeed. You will learn the ins and outs of customer service.
This 3 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Getting Customer Service Right: The Essential Guide on How to Guarantee Customer Satisfaction Through Excellent Customer ServiceCustomer Service the Right Way: The Essential Guide on the Proven Methods and Best Practices on Maintaining Customer Relations and Providing Excellent Customer Service to Get Loyal CustomersCreate Customer Loyalty - The Essential Guide on How to Get and Keep Your Customers, Discover Strategies on How to Maintain Your Customer Base and Retain Their LoyaltyGet your copy of Customer Service Blueprint 3 in 1 Bundle today!
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