BBC Radio 4

BBC Food and Farming Awards 2016: Special Edition

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Sheila Dillon presents the 2016 BBC Food & Farming Awards in this extended online special.

At the ceremony in Bristol, Sheila and three co-hosts - Yotam Ottolenghi, Angela Hartnett and Stefan Gates - guide us through the stories of the finalists and reveal this year's winners.

This full-length edition, available to download and listen online, also features an extended version of the Derek Cooper Outstanding Achievement Award, presented this year to Dr Joan Morgan.

The ceremony marked the climax of a long process - starting with listeners’ nominations, then an expert team of judges sifting through your nominations in each of the categories, before making their visits right across the UK.

On stage at the ceremony, Sheila is joined by award givers including Jancis Robinson, Ken Hom, Mitch Tonks and the BBC Director General Lord Tony Hall. The finalists - and their stories - are insightful, inspiring… and delicious.

Producer: Rich Ward
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