Clyde Edgerton


Clyde Edgerton's ear for regional voices and his eye for life's small but significant details enable him to create characters who are charming and utterly convincing. Beginning with an engagement announcement and ending with the birth of a son, Raney is a snapshot of the first few years of a modern Southern marriage.
Newly married, Raney is a Southern Baptist who has lived her whole life in her tiny home town. Her husband Charles is a newcomer, a liberal raised in Atlanta. Amidst family traditions, curious relatives, and bowls of macaroni salad, their search for common ground begins.
As Raney tells us about Charles' beliefs and habits, and thus reveals her own, her honesty and gumption will capture your heart and tickle your funny bone. Narrator Ruth Ann Phimister's soft voice beautifully captures the emotional tides that rise and fall in Raney's life.
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