Howard R.Driggs,Elijah Nicholas Wilson

The White Indian Boy

You are about to go back in time to the Wild West of the 1800s.
These true, real-life adventures were told first hand by Elijah Nicholas Wilson.
He was a cavalry spy, hired to track down bands of murdering bands of Indians.
Before that he was a stagecoach driver on roads filled with outlaws.
Before that he was one of the first Pony Express riders and was chased by Indians who nearly killed him with arrows.
And before that he was a bronc buster who accepted a bet to ride the meanest bucking horse in the West.
But before all that, and most notably, he was the 12-year-old who ran away from his family farm to live with a tribe of Shoshones. He thus became the legendary “White Indian Boy.”
This audio dramatization contains music and sound effects. Elijah “Uncle Nick” Wilson is voiced by Jonathan Best as a boy, and Bryson Walker as a young man.
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