Dawn O'Porter

Paper Aeroplanes

I just can't imagine me without you....
It's the mid-1990s, and 15-year-old Guernsey schoolgirls Renée and Flo are not really meant to be friends.
Thoughtful, introspective and studious Flo couldn't be more different to ambitious, extroverted and sexually curious Renée. But Renée and Flo are united by loneliness and their dysfunctional families, and an intense bond is formed.
Although there are obstacles to their friendship (namely Flo's jealous ex-best friend and Renée's growing infatuation with Flo's brother), 15 is an age where anything can happen, where life stretches out before you and when every betrayal feels like the end of the world.
For Renée and Flo it is the time of their lives.
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