Ashley Neal

Everything About Intermittent Fasting

Everything About Intermittent Fasting: The Ultimate Guide on Intermittent Fasting, Learn the Real Diet Protocols and How to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting Results
Obesity is becoming an increasing problem. So, it’s no wonder that so many people are looking for a better way to lose weight. Traditional diets that restrict calories often fail to work for many people. It’s difficult to follow this type of diet in the long term. This often leads to yo-yo dieting – an endless cycle of weight loss and gain. It comes as no surprise, then, that many people have been searching for a diet that can be maintained long-term. Intermittent fasting is one such diet. It is more of a lifestyle change than an eating plan that’s why it’s different from regular diets.
This audiobook will teach you all about intermittent fasting, how it works and how it can benefit you, especially in your weight loss goals. You will learn different fasting times you can try and how to get started. You will also learn how to maximize the results you want from fasting.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
What is Intermittent Fasting?The Benefits of Intermittent FastingWhy Does Intermittent Fasting Help to Promote Weight Loss?Is Intermittent Fasting Safe?A Protocol for 16:8 Intermittent FastingA Protocol for 24-Hour Intermittent FastingOther Types of Intermittent FastingHow to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting ResultsHow to Get Started with Intermittent FastingRegular diets often lead to more weight gain overall and thus result in mental health issues to some. Intermittent fasting can be the last eating plan you will try because you will see how well it works. To learn more, download your copy of this audiobook today.
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