
Zero To Location Independent Challenge (Day 1)

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Do you want to learn the truth behind what it takes to go from Zero to Location Independent so you can do it too?
Grab the free guide at zerototravel.com/freedom
Today is Day 1 of the Zero to Location Independent Challenge.  Come along with me on this 5 part mini-series journey giving you the time and space to explore the whole idea of being location independent.
You'll get a trail map to start today and continue to learn and grow over the next 5 days. Trust the process and do it in a way that feels good to you.
Today you'll hear about about mindset and intention. Let's go Location Independent!
You'll Learn: The benefits of location independence How to start on the path toward location independence Ways to banish all excuses forever How to set your intention The ideal day exercise How to figure out what is holding you back (and how to persevere) How to completely decimate excuses (and get rid of them) Resources: Behind The Laptop: 10 Ways To Earn Money While Traveling The World Yoga With Adriene Zero To Travel Facebook Page
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