Luke Nephew

Anger Management

How do you know when your anger becomes too much and dangerous? Do you find out yourself, or do you allow other people to determine that for you?
When you are angry, do you feel better by venting it out in order to get things off your mind, or do you prefer throwing things around, or do you keep your mouth shut for the sake of peace even though you are boiling inside?
Is there a way for angry people to manage their anger, or do they just accept life as it is?
What are you supposed to do when you are at the wrong end of anger?
These are all important questions that this book will provide answers to.
Anger is not a disease that can be cured but at the same time, it is important for you to be able to manage it efficiently. In this book, you will learn how to manage your anger at home, at your place of work, and in your relationships.
You will learn:
THE ABC of AngerCauses of Anger Effects of Anger Having Control How Communication Can Make You Better Understanding Your Emotions Using Anger Constructively How to Prevent Anger in the Future Beliefs About the Angry Black Man All About Emotions Forgiveness Helpful Tips to Improve Your Lifestyle This book is narrated in the simplest way and loaded with real-life stories which will make your listening quite enjoyable. If you're ready to begin your anger management journey, scroll to the top and select the "buy now" button.
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