Christopher C. Dimond

The 28th Gate: Volume 4

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After Hunter and the Independent Militia begin broadcasting Hunter’s message through the gates, Hunter receives an ominous message: new foes are coming for them.
But what is the identity of this mysterious benefactor? And will Hunter’s cause gather the support they need to survive this pending threat long enough to follow through on Hunter’s goals to reunite with Civilization?
Find out now in the exciting conclusion to Season II, The 28th Gate: Volume 4!
Set in a far distant future, The 28th Gate is a series of episodic novelettes, spread across six volumes in three seasons, telling the story of Hunter’s struggles against the AAA corporation that created him. Each episode has the action, character, and plotting of a complete story all crammed into an espresso-like package, with each season chronicling a different arc in the overall epic.
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