Marcus Goodie Goodloe, Octavio Cesar Martinez

Habits: Six Steps To The Art Of Influence

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“The profiles of men and women found in H.A.B.I.T.S. reinforce the truth that leadership is developed through discipline, but is sustained through choices that enable everyone to be a person of influence.”

Steve Kelly Senior Pastor Wave Church

"Through life’s hard lessons and God’s compassionate love, H.A.B.I.T.S is able to express and capture what it really takes to be a leader. As influencers, H.A.B.I.T.S: The Art of Influence, reminds us that leadership is a selfless act that consists of constant self-evaluations, and most importantly, taking the role of leadership seriously.”

Michelle Carter 3-time Olympian and 2016 Gold Medalist

Goodloe and Martinez provide six key steps to help leaders and influencers tap into a new level of personal achievement with a life-changing H.A.B.I.T acronym.

H - What fun elements play into your approach when leading others?

A - When you meet a person different from you, what does it take for you to assume the best in them?

B - Are you leading in a way to be good soil, so that you embrace opportunities to grow and learn?

I -When you insist upon excellence, how often do you measure progress?

T - How do you treat people who need your help?

S - Where do you seek community to find the best version of yourself?
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