Jen Doll

That's Debatable

Millicent Chalmers isn’t here to make friends.

She’s here to win, and she’s on track to set a record if—no, when—she wins the state debate tournament for the fourth year in a row. Calm, cool, and always in control, Millie doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her, least of all the sexist bullies
bent on destroying her reputation.

Taggart Strong couldn’t care less about winning debate, much to the consternation of his teammates, school, and parents. In fact, he might even enjoy losing, as long as the side he believes in wins.

But when a tournament takes a scary turn, Millie and Tag find themselves unexpectedly working together. Maybe Millie can teach Tag a thing or two about using his head, and Tag can teach Millie a little bit about following her heart.

In this witty, smart, and feminist romantic comedy, author Jen Doll explores what it means to set boundaries while you’re breaking down barriers.
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