
2019: Minimalist - The Beginning by Chris Lovett of Less is Progress on Impacting All Areas of Your Life

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Chris Lovett of Less Is Progress talks about minimalism and impacting all areas of life.

Episode 2019: Minimalist - The Beginning by Chris Lovett of Less is Progress on Impacting All Areas of Your Life

Chris Lovett is a minimalist, life coach, speaker and career mentor but it didn't used to be that way. Quite content drifting through life in the comfort zone, he was collecting stuff, not exactly the stuff he wanted to collect but stuff none the less. Chris had a whole bunch of aspirations but managed to build a prison around them with a stack of unconscious decisions made down the years. His collection included debt, too many clothes, negative self fulfilling prophecies, assumptions, comparisons, unused 'just in case' items and a fixed mindset that kept me at just the right level of safe. He lived month to month but he wasn't really living at all.

The original post is located here: https://www.lessisprogress.com/post/minimalist-the-beginning

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