Camille Hale

She Leads In Her Truth

Imposter. Liar. Wannabe.
Those were the thoughts that hammered what speck of confidence I had left every morning as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Often, I’d watch the woman staring back at me transform into a little girl.
“Always be true to yourself, no matter what,” she’d say in a sweet tone, all while oozing an unfathomable yet familiar poise.
Familiar, because that girl used to be me. Unfathomable, because somewhere along the line I had turned into a woman unsure of herself. Sure, my life was proof that I had worked incredibly hard, made sacrifices, fought for my place, contributed to the success of others, and that I had become a capable leader among my peers.
Yet, there I was: convinced I was a fraud.
As women, we are notoriously self-critical. Ironically, this tendency amplifies when we grow into leadership roles. While we’re great at pouring positive energy into our families and those who look up to us, we’re equally great at doubting ourselves. You’d think, with what we’ve achieved, we’d be a little more confident.
She Leads in Her Truth will introduce you to the Seven Cornerstones of Authentic and Confident Female Leadership:
Lead with confidence.
Lead with your femininity.
Lead to motivate and inspire.
Lead with emotions.
Lead with effective persuasion.
Lead while being in your truth.
Lead by example.
Each Cornerstone has a dedicated chapter in which you’ll find fascinating, science-backed research and strategies you can start using immediately to enhance the way you lead. You’ll also discover how the Cornerstones can unleash the absolute best version of you not only in your career and all aspects of your life.
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