Ella Miles

Definitely Yes

One question from an ex-lover.
One text message from a complete stranger.
The same answer to both...Yes.
Scarlett Bell has found a way to move beyond a dark past that threatened to take her best friend, Kinsley, from her. Now ten years later Scarlett has everything. A multi-billion dollar fashion and beauty empire. A fabulous New York apartment filled with everything a girl could need. And an awesome best friend. What more could she want? Love, marriage, and a baby. Everything her best friend has.
One ex-boyfriend could give her everything she thinks she wants. Even if he is a little too nice...
One dark stranger could give her everything she never knew she wanted. But he could destroy her life...
Two men. Two choices. One answer to both: Definitely Yes.
Definitely Yes is Book 1 in a 3 book series.
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