Marguerite Kaye

Never Forget Me

As war blazes across Europe, three couples find a love that is powerful enough to overcome all the odds.
"A Kiss Goodbye", 1914

As war looms, genteel Flora yearns to be more than just an observer. She finds a revolutionary kindred spirit in soldier Geraint - but will their fragile love be crushed before it can start to bloom?
"Dearest Sylvie", 1916
Soldier Robbie cannot forget his one hedonistic night in Paris with beautiful waitress Sylvie. But as Europe burns, can these two star-crossed lovers ever be reunited?
"Forever with Me", 1918
Nurse Sheila is horrified to discover her new boss is the French surgeon she woke beside after Armistice Day! Fighting for their love will be the bravest thing she's ever had to do.
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