George Niles,Jade Lanford

Marketing Rules Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Marketing Rules Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Online Marketing Guide and Marketing Systems
When you think about Online Marketing, what do you think of first? Internet Marketing is a concept of business marketing, both to customers and to other businesses, via the internet. But, to explore and understand this black box is not simple. The main reason is that the internet is forever evolving and is subjected to waves of changes. With new advances in internet technology, businesses are able to leverage on it and add to their marketing approach and content. Similarly, more people are logging onto the internet every day as the internet access is made more affordable and readily available. It is in your best interests to become familiar with social networking sites. Yes, there are thousands of customers to be found on these sites.
This bundle will teach you all about marketing systems. You will learn which aspects of online marketing are important, which are essential, and which ones you can take or leave. You will learn different internet marketing strategies that you can use for your business. It will also teach you how to use social media for online marketing. Learn the common internet marketing mistakes you should avoid and the right strategies for social media marketing.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Online Marketing Guide: The Essential Guide on the Secrets of Online Marketing, Discover How to Use Social Networking Sites for Marketing and the Common Internet Marketing Mistakes You Should AvoidMarketing Systems: The Ultimate Guide on Marketing Systems and Marketing Strategies That Work, Learn How to Effectively Market Your Business to Achieve SuccessGet your copy of Marketing Rules 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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