
1998: My Buy Nothing Year: How I Bought NO Clothing for a Year & 5 Things I Learned by Kyle Kowalski of Sloww

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Kyle Kowalski of Sloww talks about what he learned by not buying any clothing for a year.

Episode 1998: My Buy Nothing Year: How I Bought NO Clothing for a Year & 5 Things I Learned by Kyle Kowalski of Sloww

Kyle Kowalski, the human behind Sloww, is a corporate dropout turned solopreneur who found and created his life purpose after an existential crisis―synthesizing the world’s wisdom to awaken and actualize the art of living. His crisis was the beginning of the end of my glorification of busy and unconscious consumption—and the beginning of his awakening to intentional living

The original post is located here: https://www.sloww.co/buy-nothing-year/

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