Matt Anderson,Quinn Johnson

Kung Fu Panda: Kung Fu Crew

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Po, THE big fat panda is back in these all new adventures of awesomeness! The journey from clumsy and awkward Noodle Shop employee to becoming the legendary Dragon Warrior was full of adventure, danger, hunger, excitement, occasional fullness, exhaustion, second winds, and hunger! Just because that journey has come to end, doesn't mean that there aren't fights to fight, battles to battle, villains to vi¨C¡­uh¡­victor¡­over¡­, DINNERS to dine upon! Join Po as he takes on the toughest villains with the Furious Five at his side, and the LARGEST bowls of noodles on his own!
Optimized for Kindle devices and featuring Panel Zoom facility.
Optimized for Kindle devices and featuring Panel Zoom facility.
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