Alan Capel,Jeremy Gerlis,Tim Cordell

The Full Roger

Great value omnibus edition, containing all the very best silent adventures of the half-dressed man, whose cartoon antics showcase how much fun you can have with your trousers off.
He grew from a tiny idea on the back of a napkin to a tiny idea in thousands of books.
And now, after three long years and hundreds of cartoons there’s still only one ROGER – whether hanging out at work, at leisure or on his travels, he's exposed much and little of himself and lived a dressed-down life blissfully ignorant of his trouser-free predicament.
With ROGER it’s always a revelation and in a lifetime made up of so many outstanding moments, these are the ones that frankly stood out the most.
It’s all out there, from a man who knows no bounds or any tailors - there's something here for everyone and some things no-one will ever want to touch.
We proudly present 'The Full ROGER' – The best bits of ROGER’s best bit.
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