James M. Kramon

The Art of Practicing Law: Talking to Clients, Colleagues and Others

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Often the most profound, and emotionally memorable, moments in the practice of law occur in behind-the-scenes “backstories.” These backstories reveal sometimes-wrenching private meetings with clients or their families, encounters with others, such as Governor George Wallace, perhaps the most notorious racist of the twentieth century, in his hospital room after he was shot and paralyzed, reflections on the nature of truth, and a heartfelt homage to the equalizing force of the American jury system. Kramon’s book contains an overarching theme: we advance the rule of law even in the routine practice of our profession, and, in so doing, we acquire wisdom, often from the most unlikely sources. Certain to inform, instruct and entertain lawyers and laymen alike —Stephen H. Sachs, Former Attorney General of Maryland and United States Attorney
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