Michael Larsen

How to Write a Book Proposal

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The Source for Book Proposals Success! How to Write a Book Proposal is THE resource for getting your work published. This newly revised edition of the Writer's Digest Books classic outlines how to create an effective, nonfiction book proposal in a clear, step-by-step manner. You'll learn the keys to a successful book proposal and how to: Test-market the potential of a book idea and effectively communicate that potential in a proposal Choose the best agents and editors for a particular proposal Create a professional-looking proposal package Predispose publishers to make their best offer Notes agent and author Michael Larsen also provides insider insights into the publishing industry as well as a plethora of newly updated information including: Recent changes in the publishing industry Updated trend information New sample proposals Expanded instructions for creating outlines You'll also find complete guidelines to becoming an effective self-promoter. How to Write a Book Proposal is a must-have for every writer!
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