Jim Hinckley,Andreas Feininger,Kathy Weiser,Kerrick James,Lee Klancher,Michael Witzel

Greetings from Route 66

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Take the scenic route with this colorful collection of vintage art, photos, history, and trivia celebrating the historic highway.
John Steinbeck famously christened Route 66 America’s “Mother Road” in The Grapes of Wrath, and that chapter about Tom Joad’s exodus is just one of the classic pieces collected in this wide-ranging anthology.
You’ll find history, roadside attractions, pop culture, ghost stories—even recipes from famous greasy spoons. And it’s all illustrated with the largest collection of vintage art, postcards, travel decals, collectibles, and other Route 66 memorabilia ever amassed. This is truly a worthy tribute to the Main Street of America.
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