Anna Porter

May Day: Recovering Humor from a Stroke

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Less than two months past her fifty-third birthday Anna Marie Porter suffered a stroke caused by the rupture of a cerebral cavernous malformation. She was suddenly paralyzed on her right side, unable to use any of her appendages save three fingers In the wake of such a life-altering event--and faced with months of rehab--she found comfort in poking fun at her situation; humor became her survival mechanism. What’s so funny about having a stroke? Not much unless you have a healthy sense of humor--or even an unhealthy one! And if you’re going to take a death-defying leap into the world of serious illness, “What good is sitting alone in your room?” So she didn’t. She invited her friends, family, and colleagues in to her virtual hospital room through an online blog. That blog became the basis for this book. May Day: Recovering Humor From a Stroke is sometimes poignant, often funny, and always an enlightening look into the world of recovering from a serious setback.
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